Rock this Sunday!
News from Ajay:
Rock Show at Saint John's Amphitheatre, Koramangala! (Enter from gate opposite Koramangala BDA Complex)
Band: Stomp
Date: 1st May, Sunday
Time: 5.30 PM
Entry Free!
Thanks, Ajay!
...and Seize the Day!
News from Ajay:
ndia Foundation for the Arts (IFA) is proud to bring the premiere of
You can now subscribe to Stop Hatching Eggs!!!
Info from Ajay Shenoy:
Collective Chaos in association with
Meet Young Musicians of the World ! Help, volunteer, do something along the same lines, spread the word - or just know!
Collective Chaos and Friends of Tibet invite you for a 'Face-To-Face' with Tibetan poet and activist Tenzin Tsundue, who recently surprised us with a daring protest in Bangalore when the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited the city.
Bangalore's first International Marathon happening on May 15th! Let's run for it!
Try out this compilation of mostly-instrumental amazing music from the Andes mountains! Lives up to the description - "...a music that is emotive, profound and searingly beautiful." Uses mostly native South American Indian instruments - their flutes especially are fabulous!
News from Jax:
We cordially invite you to Voices from the Waters an international film festival on water organised by Bangalore Film Society and Water Journeys, in collaboration with the Alliance Francaise from April 13 - 16, 2005 at the Alliance Francaise, Bangalore.
Nature Admire presents various adventure sports.....
Dear Friends,
Janaagraha, Ramesh Ramanathan's organization for participatory democracy, needs volunteers Urgently!
Vignesh sent us this:
News from Vaishnavi:
News from Vaishnavi:
News from Vaishnavi:
News from Vaishnavi:
Sonali Bhatia, Phyllis Farias and Lekha R.
Info from Vaishnavi:
Vaishnavi's Suggestion! -
Aditi sent us this info: