Monday, February 21, 2005

Film Screening: Kurosawa's Ikiru

Collective Chaos presents 'Directors on Directors'. In this series, they ask filmmakers to introduce films that inspired him/her the most.

First screening in the series is:


a masterpiece by the Japanese master director

Introduced by well known film director and theatre person
prakash BELAWADI

On 26th February '05 Saturday, 6.30 pm

At Center for Film and Drama (CFD)
5th Floor, Sona Towers, Opp. Police Superintends' Office, Millers road.
(Asha: The entrance is on the side of the huge Bank building - Central Bank of India. This is just after the empty compound and a brown building. Lots of signboards at entrance - turn in there. When you come up from Cunningham Road (it's a one-way), the bank will be on your left. Keep an eye out, because the whole place is full of one-ways, if you miss it, you'll have to do a lot of driving in circles!)

IKIRU is a compelling humanist fable that provokes audiences to profoundly contemplate their own mortality, and indeed their own sense of morality. Mr. Watanabe, a middle-aged government worker, suddenly finds that he has very little life left when diagnosed with terminal cancer. Moving from drunken despair to quiet resolve, he vows to make his final days meaningful. At first he throws himself into the city's nightlife, but this does not help. His attempts to communicate his anguish to his son and daughter-in-law lead only to heartbreak. Finally, inspired by an unselfish co-worker, he turns his efforts to bringing happiness to others by building a playground in a dreary slum neighbourhood. When the park is finally completed, he is able to face death with peaceful acceptance. Told from both Watanabe's perspective and that of his co-workers after Watanabe's death, IKURU is a masterful and inspiring tale of redemption.

1952 / 143 min / Japan / B&W

Director : Akira Kurosawa
Screenwriter : Shinobu Hashimoto
Composer : Fumio Hayasaka
Cast: Takashi Shimura

For more details call: 2520 3932


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