Film Screenings by CED
Following are the films that are scheduled for screening during Annual BOOK FAIR at CED (Centre for Education and Documentation ), Bangalore from March 18th to March 20th 2005.
7:00pm, Friday, March 18, 2005
Dir: Leena Manimekalai / 45 min
This film is about the status of Dalits, that uses the village of Siruthondamadevi as an example. The director, Leena Manimekalai, is quick to point out that while the film itself is set in one village, there are many other villages like this one where Dalits, and especially the women among them, are exploited, but their condition remains unexpressed. With intermittent statistical snippets on the status of Dalits (most compiled from Government reports themselves), the film throws light on the reality of Dalit lives.
7:00pm, Saturday, March 19, 2005
Papa 2Dir: Gopal Menon / 25 min
Kashmir has witnessed the rise of "enforced disappearances". Involuntary or enforced disappearances have usually been documented in countries where the State has tried to ruthlessly suppress any form of dissent. In the case of Kashmir, disappreances have been caused not only by the State but also by the militants who are active in the area. Papa 2 aims to capture the Human Rights violations in Kashmir in the last fifty years and contextualise them in the political struggle. While shooting over a period of six months, Gopal menon talked to the people of Kashmir, and the victims of the dispute.
7:00pm, Sunday, March 20, 2005
Many People, Many Desires
Dir: T. Jayashree / 46min
"Many People, Many Desires" explores the status (legal, social, political, cultural etc.) of sexual minorities (hijras, kothis, double-deckers, gays, lesbians, transgender and other people oppressed due to their sexual orientation and/or gender expression) in India. It is only since the early 1980s that homosexuality and transgender expressions have become visible "identity issues" in India. Cutting across class, gender, language and caste, the film tells the stories of such persons living in the city of Bangalore.
PS: Copies of Anand Patwardhan, K.P.Sasi, Suma Josson and Rakesh Sharma's films are available for sale.
Warm regards,
Vinod for CED Team
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